
A Superiority Vampire, Vikings And Sayings From Chocolate Eggs

Well finally the terror of Easter is over and Christianity has losing its grip on the society and its deceiving tools of madness, like chocolate eggs and chocolate bunny's are all now half priced on the shelves of every store that supports this propaganda.
Even tho it is against all capitalistic rules, the stores are based on and are their reason for survival.
 At last the society is back to normal.

Or so I Thought !

I woke up from a pleasant dream about super vampire that did not only lived and thrived on human fluids but also on any other vampire to be found. It became in the end a bit bored over its own superiority so it started to answer sado masochistic sex ad, manly from homosexuals where it played submissive to the part it could not control its lust for blood and tore each individual to peaces.

Why it did this ?

Well it wore looking for more sadistic ways to terrorise an frightens its victims for its own satisfaction's, in its many carnal lusts of extremely far out insanity.

The time was about 20:30 in the evening as usual when I woke up, And like any other proud vampire I had been sleeping my day away,

On my way to the store I check my mail box that to my surprise held a big package in it from my dear old mother in Iceland, and when I open it I realised that the christian tools of madness had goten to me. The ester wore not over, The package was full of chocolate ester eggs.

And they just had to be eaten. After all I really like chocolate.

It is rather strange tradition we have in Iceland considerate ester eggs, is that we put a paper note in them, not unlike Chinese fortune cookies notes. But our notes beholds sayings from our past. Manly from the viking times or the middle ages based on the saying from the viking times.

We like to connect those sayings to our self's, like the coincidence of it has something to say about us ?
Anyway I got 18 eggs, they are all eaten up and I feel sick.
Here are some of the sayings I got.

Emergency teaches naked woman how to spin
No one is all given or all defended
Rearly is the branch better than the tree it self
Everyone are born naked
Early does the hook bend to that what´s going to be
In the dark all cats got the same colour
Alone is feeling faint together
Allot does the couples talk cover
Often draws praise mockery of its tail
The eye sees everything but it self it does not see
the eyes cannot hide it if a woman loves a man
No one gets fat of a one bite
Not many approve that their anger is unfair
The apple rarely falls far away from the tree
Morning moment gives coming gold in your hand

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