
Hálfs Saga Ok Hálfsrekka (For May Sigrun)

I took the honor to translate this text and poem from old norse. It is written in iceland about 1200 something and happens in Norway Karmøy (where I live) in between 870 and probably 900.

Its about one of my ancestor, king Øgvald (600 Ad) who I am decentet to 36 generations back in time,

Ögvaldur king of Rogaland lived in Roga on Jösurheath. It's located between Rogaland and Telemark. Now it's called Víði. He went on a reindeer hunt. His court followed him. And there the queen gave birth to a boy that, was Jösur by the name. He was fostered by Gunnvaldur earl of Stord. Hækklingur viking came with his army against king Ögvald. In that battle fell king Ögvald, and was buried in a mound at Ögvaldsnes.

Finnur the wealthy of Akranes, settlement man, lay at Ögvaldsnes (Avaldsnes) and prepared for Iceland and asked, how long ago Ögvaldur (Augvald) king fell. He heard this poem pronounced to the barrow  

"It was for long,
the route went
also excessively many
Hæklings men,
sailed around salty
paths of trouts.
Then became I 
this farm dominant."

 (From The Saga Book Ancient History Of Northern Countries)

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